Direct Primary Care in Franklin TN

what is direct primary care?

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is a model of healthcare that encourages a doctor-patient relationship where the focus is on the health and wellbeing of patients over a hospital health system’s profit.   It offers flexible access, longer appointment times, less waiting time, and guarantees 100% continuation of care with YOUR doctor. You and your family’s health deserve the personal attention that we provide. Are you tired of the insurance company telling you what’s best for your health? At Focus Family Medicine we do not accept insurance, your healthcare decisions are made between you and your physician. 

Did you know the average insurance-based family medicine doctor has a patient panel of 2,000 patients, in comparison, most DPC doctors care for a maximum of 300-500 patients?  This results in better relationships, more time face-to-face with your doctor, and increased responsiveness to messages and questions.

We are conveniently located in Franklin TN. 

Dr. Jennifer Lane
We are thinking outside of the box to simplify your healthcare.

Member benefits we think you will love!

Our patient benefits include full access to primary care. That means getting care when you need it, never rushed through an appointment.

You will have more time with your doctor, easy access, and unlimited visits. Join our family to enjoy unprecedented convenience and access to your trusted physician.

We are privileged to work directly for YOU to provide high quality, personalized, compassionate care.

Ready to join Focus Family Medicine?

Great! We can’t wait to start this health journey with you. Fill out and submit our enrollment form and we will be in touch!